The project is implemented in the framework of the INTERREG VA Greece-Bulgaria 2014-2020 Cooperation Programme and is co-funded by the European Regional Development Fund and by national funds of the countries participating in the INTERREG VA Greece-Bulgaria 2014-2020 Cooperation Programme.

The e-SOHECA project idea stems from the fact that the partners are located in remote locations and far away from large medical centers, thus the habitants of those areas face severe difficulties regarding the accessibility and quality of fundamental healthcare.
The issue amplifies especially when it comes to disabled citizens and habitants who reside in areas that are located away from the urban centers of the municipalities of Nestos, Topeiros and Zlatograd (such as villages and remote settlements), thus increasing the risk of those people to be left without proper helathcare in case of emergency.
Overall, it is a fact that the habitants of the cross-border locations often become victims of social discrimination and are excluded of their social rights. This project is tackling this challenge by establishing a responsive e-social health care system which will include advanced medical equipments connected to a web based system, in order to provide ad-hoc healthcare to anyone in need.
Overall Objectives
Web Medical Files
Web medical files for the habitants of the Municipalities will be created, where all the data from the measurements will be uploaded and stored, and made accessible at any time by the doctors
Health and Social Care Services
The project aims to provide health and social care services to elderly habitants and disabled people
Elimination of Social Discirmination
Elimination of social discirmination and promotion of equal treatness and social inclusion to people no matter where they live.