The project is implemented in the framework of the INTERREG VA Greece-Bulgaria 2014-2020 Cooperation Programme and is co-funded by the European Regional Development Fund and by national funds of the countries participating in the INTERREG VA Greece-Bulgaria 2014-2020 Cooperation Programme.
The overall objectives of the e-SOHECA project are summarised as follows:
- to create web medical files for the habitants of the area, where all of the data from the measurements will be uploaded and stored, and made accessible at any time via the system by doctors volunteers etc.,
- to provide health and social care services to elderly habitants and disabled people
- to give incentives to network participants, which will guarantee project success and sustainability.
- to eliminate social discirmination and promote equal treatness and social inclusion of people no matter where they live.


The e-SOHECA system has an indirect effect which facilitates the prevention of medical emergencies and will also contribute to any studies regarding the medical situation of the area, as it will have the capacity to store the measured data (securely, anonymously) in order to provide vital demographic measurements and data for future use.